Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Memory lane.

Not many people who know me know much about where I grew up. My aunt posted a picture on her blog that brought back a bunch of memories and so I thought I would share it. In the picture you see my Uncle Merts looking at my grandparent's and my dad's graves. However a little bit further you see the farm, orchard and hills I lived in and worked on as a kid.
You can see the sprinkler system with the yellow hood on it that we had to move morning and night. We had some lines without wheels that you had to move by hand but luckly we had these ones that made it so much easier. A little further you see a bunch of trees that made up the orchard. It was here that I became a fresh fruit snob and now I can't pick up an apple or peach from the grocerie store without having a cardboard taste well up in my mouth. There was nothing like going out on a crisp fall morning and picking an apple from the tree for me and one for my horse. You would bite into it and it would fill your soul with joy. Yes I am broken but until you experiance such things you have no idea. The hills go on for miles and miles to the left and me and my brothers hiked through them endlessly on foot and on my horse. It was a good life and unfortunatly it takes being away from it to realize how good it was. So if you are ever driving through Bloomfield, New Mexico just head south toward Albaqurque and turn east at the first chance after you cross the San Juan river. Take that road about 6 to 8 miles until you see the sighn that says LDS FARM and you are where I grew up. Go up to the farm house and tell them that James Stock said that the best apples in the hole world are grown on the 2nd tree from the north and west and see if they will give you one. Then come tell me about it.


The Leth Family said...

Good Times! It's not how I pictured it when you talked about in times past but now I know! I had no idea your dad was buried so close to your home. Nice.

PS. Thanks for helping Kelly with the scooter.

Leslie :~D said...

I don't have as many memories of that place as you do, but I have many good and fond memories of being there. There's a lot of magic in a place like that. A farm with lots of room to roam and explore and get into a bit of trouble!

Jen B said...

Did you grow cherries there too? We had the BEST cherries EVER from a roadside stand in Northern NM Over 10 years ago and we still talk about how delicious they were! I would love to pick an apple from that tree! It's funny how when we're young we can't wait to leave and when we're old we wish we could go back!

The Happy One said...

hey is funny how a picture can take you back to a time and a place--- but it did the same to me. I miss used to say I miss the farm life--- but then it came to me one day it is not the farm life i miss---it's the family that was there. I dont have many memories of you and your folks on this place, mine are of the life on the farm further down the road. do you recall the time i lived with ya all? Your big brother Frank hated my coming to live there. yet Robert made it less painful. what i'd give for some of your dads rootbeer right about now. i miss him. there wern't many adults in my life i trusted but your dad was #2 only his dad our grandpa was over him. thanks for sharing your life here. it lets me feel a bit like i am still part of the stock family. love ya cuz. and for me its the potatoes i still miss from the farm. giggles.