Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Timpanogos Cave

I had a first last week. I hiked up to Mt. Timpanogos Cave with Lisa's sisters family and my family. All together it was pretty cool. We started at the bottom and it seemed to be OK. It was a little steep but nothing I could not handle. I put Krislyn up on my shoulders as she was not moving very fast. About half way up it got steep. I was packing a 37 pound kid and it was hot. By the time we reached the top I was beat. I have had friends and family tell me it was no big deal and in the end it was just a good workout, but it was not as easy as it had been made out to be. The other issue is I do not do heights very well so I had to always look up and never down.

The cave itself was great. I used to explore caves as a kid in the hills behind us but they were never like this. I find it amazing that those places exist. It was an adventure that I would recommend to anyone. Just make sure you do not have a problem with heavy exercise. By the time we got to the bottom we were pooped but glad to have gone. When we got to the bottom Lisa and Krislyn had the following conversation.
Lisa: "Krislyn, was that fun?"
Krislyn: "Yes but my pants are wet."
Lisa: (Alarmed) "Did you pee your pants."
Krislyn: " No it is just Dads sweat."
Everyone: "Gross!"
Hey, when you ride a horse without a saddle for a 1500 foot gain your going to get wet. At least she got a ride up the mountain.


Jason and Kate said...

You should try hiking the other side of Timp. Now that's a workout! Looks like you guys are having a great summer.

K'neth S. said...

what is with that picture of me at the end!