Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I hate Christmas lights!

I do not mind looking at them as they are nice to look at but putting up Christmas lights, for me, on the same level as changing 2o leaky, poopy diapers all at the same time.

I pulled out the lights and tested them. I have learned to test so I do not get a bunch of lights up only to find that half of a string does not work. So I plugged them in and the icicle lights that I hang on the eves were not to bad. There was one burned out bulb that I was able to find and replace. I put those up and was doing ok. Next I turned to the colored lights. This is where it all went wrong. I have about 10 strands of lights and not one of them worked completley. Some did not work at all but most of them only had about half of the strand working. I spent almost 2 hours replacing bulbs and testing fuses and in the end, I still did not have a working string. I kept one short string for spare bulbs and threw the rest in the trash.

At this point I thought I was done with the frustration. Not so. I set up the tree that already has lights on it and lo and behold half a strand did not work. I pulled each bulb out that was not working and replaced it with one I knew was working, nothing worked. At this point I nearly threw the stupid tree out the front door but Krislyn was so excited about the whole thing I decided against it. I finaly found a short strand that worked and threaded them onto the part of the tree that was not working. In the end the lights went up and the muttering ended after a few hours.

Hence, I hate Christmas lights!


Shad and Brittany said...

I am right there with you. I tested the lights before I put them on the tree and after I got them on a whole strand decided not to work. After many attempts I finally got them working but what a hassle. I want to know who invented Christmas lights so I can have a word or two with 'em!

Cassie said...

You'll notice we don't have any Christmas lights up on the house. I thought we were being kind of "Grinch"y with no lights, but now after thinking about it a little more...I think I'm PREVENTING Kenny from being a Grinch by not insisting that he put up the lights!

JBarker said...

Shad - What words specifically would you use?

I don't hate them. They look great! It's fun to get the lights on the tree, decorate it with everything else, and then turn out the rest of the lights in the house and just sit near the lit tree. Sometimes Bethany and I sit on the couch together with just the Christmas lights on and talk about stuff. Like trying to remember what we got each other the first few Christmases we were married.

Christmas rocks! I could go on and on about what I like about it. I think I feel a blog post coming on...

Sweet Lisa said...

I'm with Jason! I like to sit and look at the tree too and visit with the Grinch when he's not being too Grinchy. The lights all look great honey! Thanks for taking the time to do it.