Thursday, September 4, 2008

She has my vote!

Last night I watched the speech given by Sarah Palin and I was impressed. A few things that stuck out to me.

1. She is a women and mother who acts like it. She wore a skirt not a pant suit, She embraced her femininity, and seemed to have a sense of womenhood to her. Some might say What the...? I am tired of seeing Hillary Clinton as the face of women in politics. It was a breeze of fresh air to see those traits in her.

2. She is a conservative. I do not agree with McCain on a lot of issues as he is not conservative enough for me. He is the better by far of the two candidates but still some of the things he has done is, in my book to liberal for me. This is a women who has, according to the record cleaned up a great deal of corruption in the Alaskan government. She has Americas best interest in mind. Everything about her says "Conservative"

3. She can hold her own. Boy howdy can she take on the idiots, as I call them. She addressed the many things that have been said about her with some great comments that were delivered with class. What is more is that there is a rumor the teleprompter broke and the last half of her speech was extemporaneous!

4. She did not come seaking this position that she has been offered. She is not the natural candidate and it does not seem to be something that she has spent a lifetime working toward. The founding fathers were the kind of people that when duty came and taped them on the shoulder they steped up to the call.

Indeed last night she won me over. I am now able to vote for McCain with some inthusiasm.

I have heard several criticisms of her today and I will address those as well.

The first and formost is from a lot of mormon women who, citing the proclimation on the family says that she should be at home taking care of her family. Without a question a mothers place is in the home. However this, in my opinion, is a hypocritical statement. Sarah Palin has not been told since she was a little girl by the prophet that she should not work outside the home. Let me show you the hypocracy. The church teaches that we should keep our homes neat and clean.( I have been into far to many LDS womens homes that are pig pens. Or what about your missionary responsabilities. When was the last time you talked to someone about the Book of Mormon, or better yet gave one out? We have been taught these things all our lives but still we do not do them. Those same critics who condenm her for not being a stay at home mom should look in the mirror at about 10:00 in the morning and say, "Do I love my husband? How would I feel after a long day at work coming home to this?" If you are committed to being a great mom why not be committed to being a great wife as well. If we are going to hold people to the standard of perfection why not start with a perfect wife or husband? (Guys, some of your yards look like crap!)

The hypocracy runs rampant.

How can you pass judgment on a women who has not been taught when you yourselves having been taught do not do what you know you should? I am not justifying women working outside the home, I am saying get the danm mote out of your own eye first!

You have those who say she does not have enough experience. Ha! perhaps that is true, however lets look at who they are running against; enough said. Let us also consider her running mate. No matter what I dislike about McCain he is without a doubt a man with experience.

Jesus said "By their fruits ye shall know them." I would ask anyone to examine the fruits. Five Children - Unselfish. Beat back Corruption in Alaska - Integrity. Conservative - Holds onto values. I would ask anyone who would like to make an informed decision to 1. get the mote out or your eye and 2. study the fruits.

I could be wrong about her, (Remember rule number one is that I am never wrong and there is no rule number 2 :)) but from what I have seen I think I am right. I have never met the perfect candidate. I hope to live to see the day when we have one, IE the savior when he returns, but until then I think that Sarah Palin is a great pick for VP.


Aaron said...

Oh do you really feel!?

All kidding aside....I agree. Great blog, but you can't spell, and I still think the phrase is "a breath of fresh air."

Big Daddy said...

A breath of fresh air is not enough, after Hillary she is a whole "breeze."

Unknown said...

I agree, she'll be great. McCain might not stand for all the right things, but he definitely knows how to play his cards right.

Hawkeye said...

I'll give you a breeze of air you can breathe

amersrae said...

Being a convert, and having spent many years as a single parent in the church, I know first hand the type of hypocrisy you are describing, and can see how it could be applied to Sarah Palin. I think she gave a great speech, and finally feel excited about the upcoming election. If Sarah's gender was not so closely scrutinized, people might just see that she embodies many of the same ideals that we strive for in the church!

Melissa said...

I'm not even going to make fun of your spelling because that post was right on the money. I couldn't agree more. She will be great. I love the bit about hypocrisy. You are so right.

Eggy said...

True - you can't spell. It is a Stock man trait - don't let it get in your way of expressing yourself - you do that well.

Sweet Lisa said...

Couldn't agree with you more hon! And I love you even if you can't spell. You do express yourself well.

Kenny said...

It's true, James, you couldn't spell yer way out of a wet paper sack...but all kidding aside, your sentiments are close to mine. I agree that her convention speech was great the other night. I plan on enjoying the show as the "mainstream" media self-destructs with their criticisms of Mrs. Palin. Isn't it ironic that the party of "women's rights" (the left) feels like all of a sudden Mrs. Palin can't serve her country and be a mom at the same time? Delicious... BTW, is there any way I can just vote for her as President and kick McCain to the curb?

Jen B said...

Behind every great man there's an incredible women. & McCain has 2 behind him!
I can't spell either.

The Happy One said...

okay I was so undesided till I heard her speak. but yes they won my vote with her as VP...heck I think had she been on the President side I would vote for her. anyhow cuz hope life is well.

debbie jo