Thursday, September 18, 2008

All time greatest movies.

Tonight Lisa wants to watch a movie for date night. I'm good with that. We always enjoy going to a Friday night movie. Over the years there are a few that have stood out and I enjoy watching over and over. Here is my favorites list.

Return to me - Lisa and I can watch this one over and over. It is a touching chick flick but the old men and especially James Belushi, make it a funny movie as well as a chick flick. If you have not seen this one I recommend it.

Indiana Jones - I am speaking of the first 3. Not to impressed with the last one. These are classics that I can watch over and over.

Star Wars - The series is a little bit long but for si-fi it is the one. It was one of the first movies I remember seeing as a kid in the movie theater. Maybe that is why I like them so much.

Spiderman - The current spider man movies I can see again and again. Once again my favorite super hero growing up as a kid was Spiderman. It is his vulnerability that I like. I hate superman these days.
Big Trouble in Little China - This is probably one of my all time favorites. It has some of the cheesiest scenes and awsome one liners in it. Lisa hates it so I don't get to see it very often.

Spencers Mountain - This is just an all around great movie. It tells of the struggle of a family who wants to elevate themselves. Definatly a great film. The oldest son's girlfriend is a little to interested in sex and reproduction but nothing bad. Annoying but not anything bad.

Better off Dead - Same category as Big Trouble in Little China.

The Count of Monte Cristo - This one is awesome. Lots of action, great story of triumph and a study in human nature. I love the priest. "... yes, you have counted all of them but have you named them?"

The Sand Lot - Ultimate boys growing up in life movie.

Silverado - This is my western. I like all of John Wayne's stuff but he is kind of like superman. I go for the guy that can be beat.

There are lots of other great movies I have seen and this list is not a complete one but these are defiantly my go to movies any time.


Aaron said...

I have to agree...

Best line out of Better Off Dead:

"He's got his testicles all over me."

"Uh....I think you mean tentacles."

Big Trouble In Little China:

"Don't lose hope Jack."

"OK Wang, we'll just chew our way out of here."

Big Daddy said...

Most quotable phrase in Big Trouble in Little China is "It's all in the reflexes." Which is only a hair ahead of the "CB" talk

Leslie :~D said...

I'm pretty sure I heard one time that Return to Me is based on a true story. I remember asking you, James, if you had Better Off Dead, and you said to me, and I quote, "When I was a child, I spake as a child..." making me believe that you had matured and had given up childish things. Glad to know it's only because Lisa doesn't like it... lol :~D For those of you who didn't know James in high school, Better Off Dead was the weekend staple at the Stock house. I am James' niece and it is from James that I came to love B.O.D and have great memories of spending quality time with James and his friends watching it!!

Hawkeye said...

Who's John Wanes?

Kenny said...

James, you are most of the way there on the classic movies...Allow me to add a few:

Goonies - "Fiddy dallow biwll" ($50 bill) also "Babee Rooooooth?

Ferris Bueller's Day Off - a little edgy for you perhaps, James, but come on, Bueller? Bueller?

Tommy Boy - Fat Guy in a Little Coat...Also, "Did you eat paint chips as a kid?"

Silverado - Absolutely, best line has to be, "$13, that's bad luck."

Sand Lot - Wendy Peffercorn, need I say more? "Hurry up Smalls, my clothes are going outta style!"

and lastly, drumroll,

Back to the Future (1st one only) - "I guess you're not ready for that yet, but you're kids are gonna love it."
"Umm, Hello, McFly!"
"Doc, you made a time machine out of a DeLorean???"
"Ok, so who's the President in 1984, Ronald Reagan??"

I better quit now, I could go all night...

Big Daddy said...

Yes there are lots of classics and I have to admit I would add Back to the Future. 1st was great second kind off but the 3rd was as bad as the 4th Indiana Jones.

Mindy said...

I LOVE Return to Me! Brett and I can relate to the character James Belushi plays and his wife. :) And Better off Dead... classic! I need to watch it again.

Mindy said...

I swear I must have watched Back to the Future at least 20 times. I had a thing for Michael J. Fox. (True confessions of a middle-aged Primary president.)