Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Squash, Squash and more Squash

There is a movie called how to eat fried worms, I'm sure that most of you have seen it or read the book. I think I would like to write a book called how to eat a ton of squash.

The other night we were eating dinner as a family and I was still a tad bit hungry. (Not an unusual thing for a guy my size.) I asked for the squash since there was still quite a bit left. about 3 or 4 bites into the pile I realized this was just to much squash. I did not want to eat it at all. However, I had 5 children sitting with me at the table gagging down their squash. I could not say "no more for me thanks." Even though I had already had a helping they would doubtless say, "See dad, it is nasty stuff and we should not have to eat it." So for all you parents out there I took one for the team and gagged it down. The things we have to do to save face. Lisa could tell what was going on and she thought the whole thing was hilarious.

As a side note I have discovered that if you make squash brownies with the stuff you will have no problem eating them or getting your kids to eat them.


Eggy said...

So, I have a feeling that you got that picture of the puking pumpkin out of a book I saw at the library. Now it is time to create your own! Get to it, James. There is such a thing as too much squash - guess you better plant less next year.

Cassie said...

The rule in our house is: You only have to eat the food that dad eats. If he won't eat it, you're off the hook. There are not many things that Kenny won't eat...squash, however, is one of those things.

JBarker said...

If I were one of your kids (or even you for that matter), I'd see to it that the squash in the garden just wouldn't do so well any more (wink, wink)! Call it a force of nature, an act of God or something. But don't let it grow any more. I don't know what the ratio is of the number of times I've had squash in brownies to the number of times I've had squash at all (probably like 0:20) but you could never have enough "squash" brownies to outweigh the number of times you'd eat it apart from brownies any way!

If you need someone else to do the deed, just call. We can arrange something. And I offer a variety of payment options...

Shad and Brittany said...

That is why I am glad I didn't plant squash! Then I don't have to worry about gagging it down.

Mandy said...

I am SO proud of you! Way to sacrifice for the team!