Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's a new record

This morning I swam a mile again. I do it from time to time just to try and improve. The last time I blogged about it I swam the mile in 55 minutes. This morning I swam my mile in 49 minutes! Watch out Mr Phelps, I am coming up on you like a motor boat (Ha ha). To me this was a great thing because I have developed a philosophy in life that says, improve a little bit everyday. I do not shoot for a 30 minute mile I shoot for just a little bit better each time. The next time I swim the mile my goal is anything under 49 minutes and I win. This idea can be applied to marriage, work, church, parenting, fitness, education or anything else. If I want to be a better husband I can go home tonight and do something that Lisa would appreciate. If I want to be a better home teacher I can go home and set up an appointment or just go over to one of my families house and talk to them. If I do this for the next 30 years, can you imagine how much better of a person I will be? By focusing on little tiny things I can move mountains. The Lord said "By small and simple things great things are brought to pass." I am excited about my little improvements and I hope that when all of you come to my funeral one day you can say, "James was a great guy who made a lot out of the life he was given."

Ps. I could also apply this idea to my spelling.


Hawkeye said...

"James was a good man...He tried to improve a little every day. He could cook a mean cheese filled braut! And he cooked a little more every day.......which was the flaw in his plan"

Unknown said...

I'm all for you applying this principle to your spelling. Just focus on one word a day.

Good job on the swim though, that's great!

Aaron said...

Good fur hugh. When I dun read in the Inzun, bout people who tri to improve over time, I git happy inside known yuz one of dos people and yur my friend.

I fink yer spellins just fine.

Leslie :~D said...

Someone get that man a word of the day calendar fo Christmas! Or better yet... you could try studying with your kid for their weekly spelling tests. You'd be surprised at the word difficulty for second graders! Start with the basics!

Eggy said...

Hey James - you spell real good! - as good as your Grandpa Stock. When he was teaching 8th grade, he got lots of snickers from his students about his spelling, and his handwriting.