Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some things are just funny.

I am a bad person. at least I think I am for laughing at someone when I should not have. But come on it was awfully funny. Here is how it went down.

My friend Aaron Ball and I have a good time teasing each other with different things. We sit across from each other at work and workout in the morning together. If he is not bugging or teasing me I am bugging or teasing him. Many times in the morning we swim. Aaron is a very accomplished swimmer and is much better then me. The other morning we were standing by the side of the pool and he was starting to put his goggles on. I could not resist and gave him a shove launching him prematurely into the pool. The lap pool is kind of cold in the morning and it takes a few laps to warm up. I thought it was terribly funny and began to laugh. He launched himself out of the pool to come after me and in about 2 steps his feet went out from under him and he landed square on his back. I just about died laughing. It was something strait out of a Buggs Bunny cartoon. He even landed with his head right on the no running tile on the pool decking. Once I knew he was OK I jumped into the pool and started my laps. I know he wanted to drown me but thankfully he did not.

It was next to impossible to get a good swim. Every time I thought about it I started laughing and would completely loose my rhythm. I would have to stop swimming and catch my breath. So the question is am I really a jerk or what. Laughing at one of your best friends when he slips and falls on the pool deck. With friends like me who needs enemies!


Aaron said...


I am biding my time......

Unknown said...

The whole thing was hilarious to watch. His slipping was lucky for you as you definitely got his guns a blazing. I just hope I am there to witness the revenge, b/c I'm sure it will be sweet. Good luck!

Melissa said...

Why am I never there to see things like that?!! No fair. Way to make me proud James. Don't think for a second that Aaron wouldn't have done the same thing to you without even thinking twice about it. I'm guessin you might want to watch your back ... But you might as well laugh while you're doing it. Ha ha!