Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The good life starts with a good wife.

As many of you know Lisa leaves me every year for about a month. She says it is to go visit her family but I think she just wants me to appreciate here more. Indeed when she is gone I miss her a lot. First and foremost I miss her companionship. Sleeping alone was no big deal until I had been married for a while. After sleeping next to someone for 16 years it is hard to go to sleep with out them there. If Lisa were to die I think I would never get used to not having her there. Night would be my greatest dread. Eating dinner alone is also interesting. I have everything in front of me and nobody asking me to pass them something. When I want something that is not on the table I can not say to one of my kids "Hey go get me the whatever." I can see how the south got so used to slavery. It is really quiet so I find myself talking out loud now and again about random things. It is a good thing there are no cameras.

While the loneliness is the worst the lack of her services is almost as bad. I have to do the laundry and iron my white shirt. (I choose to not wear anything but a T-shirt any other day of the week so I do not have to iron) I have to clean up my dishes every few days as well. Can you imagine the pain! :) I only make the bed once a week on Sunday. I figure the sabbath is a day that the bed should be made on.

The funniest thing that has happened though was with the vacuum. Lisa asked me to clean the carpets with a carpet cleaner before she got back so, last night I started in on the project. I got out the vacuum and attempted to turn it on. I could not find the power button. It took me some time to figure it out. The funniest part of all that is about a year and a half ago I had the same problem when Lisa asked me to do some vacuuming. In my defense the vacuums power button is kind of hidden down by the bottom under the hose. What can I say, I fix the thing when it breaks why should I have to know how to use it.

I am indeed a lucky man with a great life.

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