Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet 16!

Normally I am not one who is at a loss for words but today I am. I guess it is not so much a loss of words as just not having the adequate words for the moment. I am unable to fully express the feelings that I have but I will do my best. Today is Lisa and I's 16th wedding anniversary. I look back and say wow! It has been 16 years since we were married. When I was 16 years old it seemed to me like a very long time and now, after 16 years of marriage I am saying where did all those years go. I do not really remember not being married. I get a taste each year when Lisa goes to Arizona of what it would be like without her but I truly do not know what I would do without her. I have to say I am happier with every year that goes by. I do not know how it happens but it just gets better and better each year. At this rate I can not wait till we have been married for 25!

In the last 16 years I have had 20 jobs, some of them were very brief or part time but 20 none the less. I have had 5 children, moved 9 times, served in many callings at church, and done a great deal of fishing. But I will have to say that our marriage is the greatest thing I have ever done and Lisa is my greatest source of joy. She is the star that my whole world revolves around.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm not even half way there yet, but I'm getting there. I like seeing the engagement pic.

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary! Man, you guys are old!!! Just wait til you hit 17 years like Toby and I--then you are really old. Still waiting for Lisa to get a blog.......

Leslie :~D said...

We're right on your heels! We'll be 16 years on Aug. 8! What is scary about being married so long is that our oldest children are 15. Only a few short years and they will be in college and on missions. Yikes!

Melissa said...

Congratulations you guys! How cute are you two? You guys are such a great couple and so "in love." (I didn't know you blogged James. Lisa told me at the pool yesterday. I must say, I'm impressed. Now I know where to find you ... watch out).

DeAnna said...

Happy Anniversary! That's awesome. I wish you both many more happy years together. :)

Jen B said...

You Win The Cutest Couple Award! 16 years of put n up with your teasing.... Lisa is an angel in disguise! - or the Devil that made you do it! lol You pick! Sweet words for her - I hope she reads them often!