Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sweet 16, well kind of.

I set this to auto post at 6:15 am on Sept 12th but obviously I did something wrong. Anyway, enjoy.

Today my oldest son turns 16 years old. I don't know that I would call him sweet but he is 16.It has been a long time since he was born. I still remember Lisa's labor and delivery. The hospital we were in at the time has since been torn down. At the time I remember watching the doctor sit and visit with my mother in law While I was helping Lisa with stuff. I said to him if I'm going to do all the work here do I have to pay you? He replied that he only charged for office visits. When It came time to cut the cord, I was not to sure but when he told me he would charge me if he did it I jumped right in. It was a few moments later when they had cleaned him all up and I was holding him that I was hit with the realization I was a dad. Those little eyes just looked up at me and he seemed to listen to what I was saying. He had stopped crying and was so content. Of course that didn't last to long and before you know it he was wrestling on the floor and running through the house before I knew it.

Probably the funniest story about Kenneth as a kid dealt with a "johnny jumper." It was a seat that he could sit in and it had a spring so that he could jump in it. He was about 1year to 18 months old. Our townhouse had a big wood beam that ran through the middle of it and he would go to hopping with those fat little legs and get him self swinging all around the room. He would pick up his feet and just fly. Kenneth may not do a lot of sports but don't let that fool you, he is about as athletic as anyone you will ever meet. I could see that in him when he was launching himself in that swing. None of my kids ever did that again. He was my only flying infant.

Anyone who knows Kenneth can attest to his great qualities. He is a good brother, student, priesthood holder and friend. He is becoming a well rounded and reliable man. When I look at Kenneth I see the hope of the rising generation. There are young men out there who will have the character and strength to carry us forward into the future. I would go on and on in my admiration of Kenneth but he reads my blog and I'm afraid I might embarrass him. But seriously, I have nothing but love and respect for this boy that has become a man.

Ps. Your cars are in luck, he will not be able to drive on his own until December so the streets are safe. However I can not say as much for your daughters. He has been given a license to date. If you have a daughter who is 16 let her know Kenneth is eligible. However, don't wait to long for him to ask you out, you might have to do the inviting to get him going.


JBarker said...

I'll bet nobody needs to be told Kenneth is 16 and can date. I think the girls already know when his birthday was and signed up on his waiting list a while ago. I wonder how long he's booked out 'til.

Just be sure to tell him to try group dating (and by that, I don't mean him going out with a group of girls). It's less awkward and more fun... for the time being... until he gets his sea legs.

Sweet Lisa said...

I ditto everything you said. He is an amazing boy and the best son a mother could ask for.

Mandy said...

Wow I can't believe he's 16! Time sure flies. I just remember him and Lexie playing and playing together and now they are both getting so old. I'm so glad they are such good kids. Must have been the neighborhood. :) We sure miss you guys!