Wednesday, September 30, 2009

1 and 5

Football has been fun this year. We are currently 1 and 5. (1 win and 5 losses) In spite of this the boys are having a great time. We no longer get blown out. The games are much closer and the skill level much improved. My favorite thing is to see the boys that are not so good at the first of the year get it and become these great little football players.
This shot is of Daniel. He looks great, don't you think. He is not so big of course but man is he ever fast. If he can break away from the pack there is no catching him. However when the pack catches him he still gives them a good fight.
We run a play called the 24 lead. As you can see we open a hole big enough to drive a car through. We send a lead blocker through the 4 hole (between the right guard and right tackle) and the running back follows him through. It is almost allways a 6 yard gain on this play. It works better on the right as our right side of the line does a better job of blocking. Once the other team figure it out they stack half their team in front of that hole and it slows us down.

Sometimes we clobber them and sometimes they clobber us. The cool thing about this kind of football is that it is a very exciting game. There are lots sudden changes and break away plays that keep you on the edge of your seat.
Coaching is a lot of fun for me. Nobody ever realy took the time to coach me in football. All the coaches I ever had simply took the most talented guys and used them the best they could. In all my years of playing none of my coaches ever tried to develope their players. They did not take the time with the less talented and help them become good ball players. I was a big strong farm boy so I was able to hold my own but if I knew then what I have learned now I think I would have been more effective as a player and had a lot more fun.

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