Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thomas S. Monson

My aunt was one of president Monson's missionaries when she served her mission in Canada. She was an awesome missionary and stayed in touch with him and the other missionaries over the years. On Monday the 14th of September my aunt died and I attended her funeral on Monday the 21st. While I was sitting there talking with my relatives in walked Thomas S. Monson, president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints. He greeted many people who walked by and shacked his hand. There was a family just in front of us who took a long time and just as they were finishing the funeral was to start so I did not get a chance to shake his hand, but we turned together and payed attention to what was happening. I stood shoulder to shoulder with the prophet of God. He did not shine with a glorious glow nor was there some magic about him. I was fascinated with the humble man that stood next to me. He had greeted my family members with kindness and grace. He had a natural way about him that made everyone comfortable. I guess we all kind of look at the prophet as near immortal but he was just a man, no different then my grandpa or my father. It made me stand a little taller to know that he was nothing of a super man just a good man who made many righteous choices. He cared enough to come to the funeral when he was very busy. The really neat thing to me was that he seemed to be interested and feel for each person that was there. He wiggled his ears at a small boy, waved at Krislyn and in genuine concern and love took each he greeted by the hand and took time with them. What comes to my mind is when the savior came and met the Nephites. I think it was much the same. When I picture the savior doing that I picture the exact same kind of person. It makes me want to be like that. It is an experience I will always remember.

1 comment:

Jen B said...

Close enough to touch!
Sorry about your aunts' passing, But what a wonderful gift your family received!