Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Five years! Where has the time gone.

5 Years ago after having 4 boys in a row Lisa had a little girl. I was not aware of her gender until she was born. I did not want to know and Lisa did. It made for an interesting pregnancy. However nobody ever slipped and so I got the surprise of my life. Lisa thinks I should have cried but why cry on such a happy occasion. I had no idea at the time what it meant to have a little girl. I thought babies were babies and gender didn't have much to do with anything until puberty, boy was I wrong. It is like we had some kind of different species. I guess being married to Lisa should have clued me in but you know me, kind of clueless in those things.

Lisa and I are not the only one who loves her. Her brothers watch over her like a mother hen and I pity the fool who picks on Krislyn Stock. He just might spend the rest of his life without arms or something. She adores her brothers and thinks the world of them but when push comes to shove she will hold her own. Just ask Daniel about that.

for the last 5 years I have seen the most sweet little thing grow and developed into the sparkle she is. Everywhere she goes she seems to bring sunshine with her. Maybe it is just the fact that I am her dad and so I see her as I think she is but any way you look at it the world is a happier place because my Krislyn is in it.


JBarker said...

I wonder if Johnny feels the same way about her. Remember that kiss he stole from her a while back?

Big Daddy said...

When Johnny gets a little older I will introduce him to my shotgun, just so we are on the same page.

JBarker said...

Johnny is pretty deft with a Wii remote and nunchuck. Odds are he'll show you a thing or two about your shotgun, just so you know he's a few pages ahead.

Kim said...

How sweet! I loved being the only girl and baby of the family...until I turned 16.

Leslie :~D said...

I felt that way about my first boy. Since I had a sister, and two daughters, I so wanted to experience a little boy! Glad I got 2! And I feel the same way about being different creatures completely! So much fun to see the other side!

Sweet Lisa said...

She definately is the iceing on the cake!