Tuesday, December 9, 2008


There are all kinds of guns. I have several. I have my right gun and my left gun as well as my shotgun. This is an area that most people seem to have strong opinions on both for and against. I find it interesting. The guns them selves are harmless just lying on the table so the guns themselves are not the issue. It is the people who are the issue. I have heard the arguments over and over but I think, as with all issues that we see debated, it boils down to personal responsibility. All of my boys have pocket knives by the time they are 8 years old and in cub scouts, some sooner but at least by the time they are 8. I teach them to use them so when they do have them they do not hurt themselves. The question is not whether they will or will not handle a pocket knife when I am not around. The question is what are they going to do with one when I am not there. If they know nothing about them then they will have a much higher chance of getting hurt with them. The same holds true with a gun. By the time my boys are 8 years old they usually have a bb-gun. I believe it is like sex and

drugs. It will be offered to them sooner or later and there is nothing I can do to stop it, all I can do is teach them what to do with it when they are presented with it. If my child is in someones house and another child pulls out a gun to play around with, they will know what to do. So I think every boy and girl should be taught what guns are, how they are used, and the dangers and enjoyments of shooting them.

As far as adults go I think it is the same. I think every American has an obligation to own a gun. If every burgalar knew that he or she was going to possibly face a shotgun when breaking into a house you would see less people breaking into houses. If ther was a reported statistic that 75% of women in the US had a consealed wheapons permit and carried a pistol in their purse, I think you would see less rape. I think the answer to gun problems in the US is more responsible gun ownership, not more gun regulation.


Unknown said...

He's not my husband. Shame on you for posting the picture of Christ with a gun James Matthew. I'm pro-gun also, but don't be a nut case.

Aaron said...

Who is Daniel?
It sounds like Lisa, but it says Daniel.

I don't think you are a nut, I think you need MORE guns. I have (counting air guns) 3 rifles, one shotgun and 3 handguns....and I think I am short about 2 or 3.

"Peace through superior firepower." - Regan

Aaron said...

P.S.....I dig the chick with the pink AR-15 with a supressor...classic.

Cindy said...

Interesting point. Too bad we can't trust people the way we should. I think I agree with Lisa (Daniel) about the picture of Christ with a gun--something is wrong thereÜ

Hawkeye said...

"By the time my boys are 8 years old they usually have a bb-gun. I believe it is like sex and drugs. It will be offered to them sooner or later and there is nothing I can do to stop it, all I can do is teach them what to do with it when they are presented with it." - Don't take this out of context!!!