Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mr. President

I have been supper swamped at home as well as at work so my postings have dropped off significantly. I was thinking about what to post on and I decided to put my feelings out there about the election.

I kind of knew it would happen this way even though I did not want it. This country is slipping very fast down a slippery slope. As a country our morals are shot, our economy is a house of cards just waiting for a good wind and our overall strength and courage is no more then the next country. We have become just another country in the world. Maybe I am wrong, I would like to be but I do not think so.

Obama and the other liberals said they were going to change the country. They said they would turn around the economy and make us a shining city on a hill again. We are a country and what happens here effects all of us. Just because we did not vote for Obama does not mean he does not represent us. He is my president as well as yours. I will not call him Mr. Obama but rather he will be called President Obama. I say take the rains young man and show us how you are going to save us. I hope with all my heart that he can. From what I have seen of liberals I doubt it will happen but I will watch with an open mind. They have control of both houses of congress and the presidency so there should be no excuses.

Although the outcome is not what I wanted I am happy to see the Republicans get their tail kicked. I am no longer going to be registered as a Republican. I will be an independent as I think the Republicans are corrupt, i'm sure there are exceptions, but as a whole they are mostly just as corrupt and dishonest as the Democrats.

Perhaps out of this and what is lickley to come there will be a true conservative party rise out of the ashes. We can only hope.


Shad and Brittany said...

I completely and totally agree!! I think all politics are corrupt and corruptable. I say Go President Obama, and I am praying you make a BIG change.

Aaron said...

I hope the changes are good. We do need some GOOD change in this you for instance. I hope Obama passes a law against BO and body hair.

....and the proper use and pronunciation of the word....ENSIGN (pronounced EN - zine)