Monday, June 2, 2008

A little bit of catch up.

I got to thinking and realized that I have set up this blog and sent the link to lots of people that I have not seen in a while and decided maybe I should catch up on some of the "Whats been going on." Lisa and I now live in Utah in a little place called Eagle Mountain. It is waaaaayyyyy out there. We are about 20 minutes from the freeway however they are putting in a Walmart about 10 minutes from the house. I work for 3M in tech support. No I do not answer calls about using sticky notes or sand paper. 3M has a software that groups and calculates Medicare reimbursement formulas for hospitals. I really like the work and it has been a good experience.

We have rounded the family out at 7. There is of course me and Lisa and then in order of age Kenneth, Adam, Daniel, Troy, and Krislyn. I'm sure you can guess which one is spoiled. They are all doing great and living up to their parents expectation. Lisa is running a preschool now that all but one of the kids are at school. It keeps her busy. Enjoy some of the pictures.

Lisa Made us all dress up on the Sunday of general conference and take this picture 2 years ago. The boys were not happy about that.

This is a picture that we took last year. It was a lot of fun and there were no ties to put on!

Me and my latest dune buggy I built along with a trip the family took to the Grand Canyon without me. (Yes I have still never been to see the Grand Canyon.)


Jason and Kate said...

welcome to the world of blogging! can't wait to get updated with what's going on in your life.

Cindy said...

Welcome to blogging--tell Lisa we want her to have one too. Everyone's doing it.