Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bad Luck

I have the worst luck. I have decided that the odds are against me and that no matter what I can never take up gambling. I took the whole family camping on June 6th and 7th. We went to a place called Payson Lakes. It is a nice little place up in the pines with great trout fishing in the 3 lakes you find up there. I took the boys up last the first part of May and we had a blast.

I took work off on Friday the 6th and we went up to enjoy a fun trip. Friday went good. It was a little cold in the evening but that was about it. We went fishing and just about everyone caught fish. Adam caught the most and Troy caught the smallest one. It was all a lot of fun. That evening we had fish tinfoil dinners and pizza. All in a days camping.

Here is the unlucky part. There was a 30% chance of rain in the forecast. I thought to myself. 30% chance of scattered showers is in my favor. Whenever I want rain and it is 30% chance it never happens. On Saturday morning we woke up to an inch an a half of snow! How is it that I get snow in June. I know that is not officialy summer but come on, give me a break! Well it started to let up so I finaly crawled out of my sleeping and started to break camp. Lisa and the little kids jumped in the car and turned on the heater. About the time I got it all cleaned up and in the trailer, the snow had stopped and I could see that the clouds to the west were breaking up. I suggested that we go fishing since it was clearing up but Lisa was having none of that. We got home to a nice hot sunny day.

We went camping last year and had a similar experience at Flaming George. Both places are beautiful but the weather did not cooperate. We had a downpour and ended up packing up and going home. These last two family experiences have made Lisa swear she will never go camping again. I have decided that either I am unlucky or Lisa is bad luck.

Adam and Kenneth breaking camp with me.


This is the camp site and then we have Lisa, Krislyn and Troy curled up and cozy. Notice who is still happy.


Unknown said...

Nothing like making memories : )

Cindy said...

I just got back from girl's camp and it was soooo hot! We didn't even need sweatshirts--what a difference! Tell Lisa to start a blog!!!

Aaron said...

Tell Lisa to suck it up and realize that she is married to a mountain man Grizzly Adams type and that camping is what you do. The more she goes the more she will like it. Its not bad luck, its the heavens giving you great experiences. I mean, c'mon, how many people get snow in June!


Big Daddy said...

You tell Lisa to suck it up Aaron. Then when you are done come see me and we will try to put your eyeballs back in their sockets.