Friday, October 23, 2009

Am I just getting Old?

So I have noticed something. When I was younger I used to be able to memorize phone numbers like crazy. I had at any given time the ability to call 25 to 30 people just from memory. I noticed the other day that I only have about 5 numbers in my head and Lisa's cell is not one of them. It has been suggested that the brain only does what it needs to and in todays culture we have cell phones and auto dial and so there is no need to learn these numbers. Thus the brain does not store it. Now that may be true for some but I have no cell phone (the one I had went through the washing machine) I have never used auto dial and so I have to say I am a bit perplexed as to why I can not remember phone numbers anymore. I think it is just like the glasses, old age is starting to catch up.


Eggy said...

Yep, and old age chases you faster and faster as the years go by.

Melissa said...

Do you really want me to answer that question?

Jen B said...

What? Your worried about phone numbers??? OH - you're worried about getting OLD!!!
Um are you worried or are you old?

I forgot.


Aaron said...

Just get with the times and get a cell phone.....just think of it like a personal urim and thummim.