Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday night basketball, Really? Come on now...

I get irritated about national politics and feel that this country is in a tail spin. However I get it and realize that the voice of America is choosing these things and my voice is becoming more and more of a minority. So I simply do my best to voice my concern and then I go on living my life realizing that the train is on a crash course and will most likely crash with all kinds of pain involved. This I accept and deal with. However there are some things that just down right piss me off! I received an email from the city of Eagle Mountain announcing a men's basketball league. I love basket ball and got all excited about it. I read on in anticipation, thinking of the guys that would be fun to play with on a team. Then I read the part that makes me so mad. It is to take place on Monday night! Now those who read my blog and are not LDS may not understand. Since I was a small boy I have heard the leaders of the LDS church ask local church, civic and other leaders to not plan things on Monday nights so that families could have that time for family night. In Eagle mountain you have a concentration of LDS people that is greater then any other place in the world. In some neighborhoods you are upwards of 80% LDS. I am sure there is some reason that they have selected Monday night but in my opinion, based on the demographic there is no reason to do this. In the national theater I have no voice but in my community I think I do and so I am asking all who read my blog to join with me in making our voice heard. If you are of the same opinion as me please respond to this with me. I have sent an email to the Eagle Mountain Sports Director, Jason Hall, letting him know how I feel about them scheduling this on Monday nights. His email address is You can read up on the details of this by clicking here or going to Please join me in responding and tell all your friends and neighbors to do it as well. Lets have as many people as possible respond.

This afternoon I recieved an Email from Jason Hall and the city has changed the nights of the basketball games. Thanks to all those who participated. The website has not been updated but I am sure it will be shortly.


Sweet Lisa said...

I sent my email!

Melissa said...

That's a good idea James. I was bugged by that too. I think Dave would have fun playing basketball, but the Monday night thing is ANNOYING ... especially around here. I bet if we let them know, they'll think about changing it. They considered changing the soccer schedule mid season last year just because people complained about games being on Friday nights. It's worth a shot ...

Rheanna said...

FYI everyone, I emailed him this morning and he just emailed back saying that it's been changed to Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Apparently at first they only said they could get the gym on Mondays, but because of the response they worked other things out. I'm glad they made the change that's a HUGE pet peeve of mine!

Leslie :~D said...

They do that a lot around here too, even the coaches who are in our ward plan practices on Monday night. It has been a peeve of mine too. Way to stand up and CTR...