Friday, May 1, 2009


A couple months ago Kenneth and Adam went with the scouts down to Moab Utah to Arches National Park. They had a requirement with the citizenship in the nation merit badge to visit a national park or national monument. They had a lot of fun so we were talking with some friends of ours and decided we wanted to all go. Lisa and I had never been so it was really cool for us. In total we had 6 families go and we all had a good time.

We drove down on Friday morning and set up camp in a group campground (dirt field). I would recommend a person plan far enough ahead to reserve a place in the park. This campground was noisy and crowded but we made the best of it and had a good time in spite of all the idiots. We did a dutch oven dinner complete with bacon cheese potatoes, broccoli, and chicken. We topped it all off with 3 different kinds of cobbler. There was apple, blueberry and a peach-raspberry. I have to say that peach raspberry was probably the best cobbler I have ever slid down my gulit. It was so good I wanted to go throw up the rest of my dinner just so I could have more! The kids had lots of marshmallows as well. It was the first camp out where I did not eat a single marshmallow.

The next day we got up and went to the park. It was not a bad hike into delicate arch. I carried Krislyn on my shoulders part of the way as well as her friend Brooklyn. At one point I carried both for a little way. It was truly amazing and the pictures do not show the magnitude or the grandeur of it. Truly amazing to see what the wind is able to do. We visited the windows as well as double arch. All were so cool.

As we were leaving the park it started to rain so even our timing was perfect. I would have to say it has been the funnest so far this year. I enjoyed all the people I went with, It was a great experience in the park and making dinner with all the guys was a lot of fun.


Cindy said...

Fun to see Lisa roughing it a little. Looks like a beautiful place. Glad you had fun!

Mandy said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. I can't believe how tall Kenneth is. Wow they just keep growing.... We're getting old... Tell Lisa she looks so thin. We've been there but didn't camp and hike. You guys did it the right way...

JBarker said...

James, I second your comment about making dinner. I had fun working along side you preparing dinner last year at Smith and Morehouse and this year was no different.

I wish we had time to play more horseshoes! I had hoped we could have gotten a tournament together. Either we need to get good in a hurry or we should just lower to score needed to win.

Melissa said...

We had a great time! When should we go again? And where should we go? That trip was way too fast ... I didn't even have time to beat you in horseshoes. Ha ha!

Cassie said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Wish we could have come too...darn boat season!

Jen B said...

We drove through Moab last year @ spring break on our way to Vale,Co... telling ourselves we'd come back because it looks so fun and time just did not permit a visit...
Seeing your pictures makes me mad we didn't stop! Ah Man! So Jealous!
Glad it was a great weekend (except the dust) - but isn't it always great when you have such good sports to take along!