Thursday, April 9, 2009

What ever did we do in the good old days

Since nobody posted anything about mighty mouse I guess I better make a new post.

As you may have noticed Lisa and I have been even less active in the cyber world then before. About 2 weeks ago I got a virus on the Home PC. Nasty little bugger. It kept telling me I have a virus on my system and that for a fee it will remove it for me. Ain't that lovely! I tried everything I could to get rid of it. It was called the security system virus I think. In the end none of the searches on the Internet or questions to all my computer literate friends gave me a solution to fix it. In the end I had to wipe out my hard drive and reload my windows system. I am now of the opinion that if you are found releasing a virus on the Internet the penalty should be death. Death to you as well as anyone else assisting you. And not just any death, but death by the most excruciating manner possible. Is that a little harsh? That is what should be done to all the guys that have a clean record as well as a wife and kids.

Can anyone sense my distaste for these guys? Anyway, everything but the Internet is back up. I canceled blue zone, my provider, because they suck. I called to talk to them and tell them there service was bad and what I needed to do to cancel. I told them I wanted to cancel but I would need to call them back and give them the correct date. They went ahead and canceled me anyway so now I only have access to Internet at work. This is so frustrating. We use the Internet a lot and without it I am surprised how much we relied on it. We were just saying the other day, whatever did we do before the Internet. One of these days I will replace my cell phone and say the same thing about that blasted thing.


JBarker said...

I don't know what you think your time is worth but try this:

1. Figure out what you think you're worth per hour. (Remember that you've probably already put in your time at your 8-hour job so you could justifiably figure this number to be time-and-a-half.)

2. Multiply that hourly rate by the number of hours you spent trying to troubleshoot your computer and also what time it took to erase and reinstall what you had on your computer.

3. Add to that, the estimated value of all of the files you lost and could not recover from reformatting and reinstalling the Windows OS.

4. Then multiply that number by however many times this has happened to you in the last 4 to 5 years.

5. Finally, add that number to the cost of your Windows computer and compare it to the cost of a Mac and see which one is more.

Apple rocks!!!! In the 24+ years I've used a Mac (or an Apple for that matter), I've not had a single virus. No, NOT ONE! While I admit that there are viruses out there for the Mac, they are few and far between. Chances are, you're experience would be like mine.

There are MANY other reasons to choose Apple over Windows, including the fact that you get a better logo. HA! Take that Microsoft!

This message was brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Mac evangelist! :)

JBarker said...

Round 2:

Of course computer vendors who sell hardware that runs Windows CAN'T sell it for as much as what Apple can get for their hardware BECAUSE it's just not worth as much! ...and the Windows logo does suck!

Jason: 2 -- Microsoft: 0

Big Daddy said...

Now in fairness, Mr Barker, When you are number one everyone is gunning for you. Microsoft is the big dog in the software neighborhood and as such all viruses are pointed at Windows not the guys in 2nd place. If roles were reversed you would have no viruses for windows and Mac would always be attacked.

As far as the cost of the software it boiles down to the numbers again. If Mac was the big dog their software would be just as cheap. As for the logo, what is so exciting about a half eaten apple?

Microsoft -- 2

JBarker said...


Admittedly, Microsoft does have far more copies of its OS running than does Apple. So in that regard, they are number one for having the most number of copies of their OS running on consumers' computers. But the capability, agility, creativity, quality hardware, software, security and some other factors that contribute to the overall user experience make Apple's computers number one! Plug for Apple here!

The primary reason malicious hackers create viruses for Windows is because Windows is so vulnerable. Coupled with the fact that there are so many copies of Windows running, it's not only easy to create a virus, but it's easy to disseminate it to so many other systems. Have you seen Microsoft's bug list?

Apple's OS is more secure by default and has far fewer holes to exploit.

Regarding the logo, it's not half-eaten. Only one bite has been taken out of it. It looks better than Microsoft's logo: the company name in a sans-serif font and italicized. There's a small notch in the first "O" in the name. LAME!

Jason: 3 -- Microsoft: 0

Aaron said...

I got your back Jason. You and I know the truth, the revealed religion concerning computing....James is still stuck in the protestant goo of MS.

Not-so-sorry to say James...Apple is the best.

Jen B said...

Trivia Question: Heidi O. & I are trying to recap the rules to the candy bar game... Can you steal a candybar before all of them are taken on the table?... recap the rules for us...PLEASE!