Friday, January 16, 2009

Bad form

It has been a while since I posted, it is always busy during an update.

I have some things that really get me going and lucky for those of you who read my blog, they are to long to list hear. One of them is the whole political correctness of every one wins and gets a trophy idea. If nobody looses and everyone wins then the world would stop crushing people and that is not the way it really is. If you are not the best, you should loose. It makes you try harder the next time. I am of the opinion that sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is to loose. However that is not where I want to go with this post.

I was recently at a ward social where we had a chili contest. The everyone wins was invoked and everyone got an award. That bugs me but hey that is the way it is. What made me mad was that one of the awards was "Best use of a can opener." Either go for a top 3 and really give a true award or do the everyone wins bit. I really thought it tasteless to give someone an award like that. I have no problem with not getting an award but an insult is a whole other issue. If someone is going to donate a big pot of chili for people to eat, give them some respect. I think Thumper's fathers advice holds true, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all."


JBarker said...

Dude. You put a picture of a bunny on your blog! That's funny! ;)

Aaron said...

I guess I better not say anything then....

Cassie said...

I missed the chili cook-off, but I'm with you on the win/lose thing. It drives me nuts! Jackson once had a gymnastics competition where the awards took longer than the actual competition...because they had to go out to 42nd place for every event. Wouldn't you have felt horrible as the 42nd place finisher????

Leslie :~D said...

Next time you have a chili cook off, let me know. I'll give you my mom's recipe which has won 2 cook offs for me in legitimate competition! LOL! I agree about stupid awards though. Especially one that is an insult!

Jen B said...

I'm the one who bring the chili so there is enough... not so I can win. AND it took 3 years to get any recognition... open a can and add "ElPato" sauce - It's an instant winner!

Bethany said...

I'm trying to decide which is worst. Getting the "Best Use of a Can Opener" award, or overhearing someone in your ward call your chili "nasty" while advising others to not eat it. I think I'd take the award! :)

Sweet Lisa said...

I'd say both those things are in bad taste. (No pun intended) Giving out such an award and saying someones chili is nasty while standing in line.