Sunday, October 19, 2008

What am I to do with this little girl.

I came to realize that I am going to get my clock cleaned. No it is not from some 6'8" prize fighter it is from a 3 foot tall little girl with blond hair in pigtails. Yes folks James Stock has met his match. I just have a very hard time trying to hold my ground. I do not know what it was with all my boys but I was able to hold my own and keep their puppy dog eyes in check. With this one I am whipped. She just has to say "please daddy" and it is like taking a punch in jaw, it's libel to knock me out! The other day she got Ice cream out of me. We had gone to a movie with the kids and she said "Daddy I had a dream that you bought me an ice cream cone and I gave you a kiss." We all were licking ice cream cones inside of 10 minutes. The worse part is that she has discovered shopping, at 4 years old, and between her and Lisa I fear for my safety. If anybody can refer a good trainer I could use some training. A good defensive coach would come in handy right about now.


Cindy said...

Girls can look so sweet and innocent--just wait until she's a teenager! Good luck with her--she is a cutie.

Melissa said...

Just give up James. There's no way you're stronger than her. She can melt you so fast, it'll make your head spin. I love that you got a little princess there at the end ... what would you do without her? You know, you're not the only one she's got whipped ... those boys of yours sure look after her. You guys are all in for it I'm afraid.

Eggy said...

Just give in to it and love her, James. I am sure that she already has you all figured out. You are a goner.

Leslie :~D said...

She's not a grizzly bear, James! Look her in the eye and show no fear! Maybe it's just that you didn't grow up with a lot of girls, MJ was far enough away in age from you that you probably didn't have fights and stuff! Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with any boys that I'm sorta that way with my boys! Though I can certainly say no to ice cream! LOL! Remember the first rule of parenting: show no fear!

Cassie said...

You're in a game you can never hope to win! Mom has to be the heavy, because all girls (little and big) know that you go to daddy for the things you want...all it takes is the right "look"! She's got you wrapped around her little finger.

Hawkeye said...

It could be worse...she could be Linda Blair...