Friday, August 8, 2008

Lisa's top 10

Today Lisa turned 37. I made her a top 10 list. Some of them are inside jokes and you will not get them but most of those who know her will join her for a good laugh.

Top 10 reasons why things are

better for Lisa at 37 then 36

10. No more seeing the bluick out the front window all day.

9. According to Krislyn…Now all she has to do is clean the kitchen and do the laundry.

8. The blemish on the front of the house has been there long

enough that there is no need to remove it.

7. No more visiting teaching reports.

6. You’re one year closer to never being able to retire.

5. You can still lie and say you are only 32.

4. Your husband has discovered where the power button is on the vacuum.

3. Not everyone gets to have a rusty VW beetle in front of the house.

2. You are no longer married to a fat man.

1. You have had enough bladder incidents that nobody cares anymore.


Jason and Kate said...

Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you had a good one.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Lisa! James, I'm impressed with your creative list. It's fun to remember the funny times and all it takes is just one liner statements.

Cindy said...

Happy B-day Lisa. I tried calling, but don't know if I had the right number. Sorry--was thinking about you--you old lady!!!

Jen B said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!!! Hope your day was better than mine!!! JBrewer