Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Can we have some consideration please!

Here is my vent. At the first of the year I started working out in the mornings before work. My health was going south and it was either take pills and insulin everyday or start working out. I love lifting weights so I took that option. The problem is that I already go to work at 5:30 in the morning. This means that now I have to leave around 4:20am. So the alarm clock accosts me at 4:03am. I do the :03 just so I can get a few extra minutes of sleep. It has been great for my health and I will probably write something on that another day.

My irritation is with people who do not have any consideration for their neighbors. My biggest problem right now with the teachings of Jesus is that whole love your neighbor thing. I go to bed at 9:00pm and it is amazing how many dogs seem to start in about that time. It reminds me of the barking chain in 101 Dalmatians. The only difference is that I don't see all the owners trying to stop them. Then there is that rouge person who seems to think that he can call at any given time as long as it is not 10:00. He will remain un-named but his initials are Aaron Talmage Ball. (Aaron works out with me and wakes up at the same time) I think I will back my dune buggy up to their front door at 4:00am ring the door bell, then when they open the door I will rev the engine at them. (It has no muffler.) I guess the other option is to just get really good earplugs and take the phone off the hook. That whole what would Jesus do gets me every time.


Leslie :~D said...

Agreed... that's the bummer of living in a neighborhood where the houses are a spit-wad's launch away from each other! I'm glad to see you still have a dune buggy. Dune Buggies and Stock boys go hand in hand! Some of my fondest memories of living in Mesa near you guys is getting to tear around in them... when they worked!

Unknown said...

I admit you are entitled to your own rules about how late people call you and friends should know and respect that. As a general rule, I agree with Aaron that I'd call people up until 10, except for you b/c I know you're sleeping. It must be nice to get more than 5 hours of sleep : )

Aaron said...

Grow up and go to bed at "big boy" time.

Sheesh, I call your house at 9:36 pm and you whine so much I think your new nickname should be Chardonnay. Remember you told me I could not call your house after 10:00, I have never called after 10:00 since that time, and last time I checked.....9:36 was BEFORE 10:00!!!!!

Listen up chardonnay, quit your whining or I will have to drown you in the pool.

Unknown said...

James, I thought I'd pass this on b/c it made me think of you. Last night, Aaron called me at 10:38 (I know, 3 hours past your bed time). It was funny b/c I was debating calling him just seconds before, so obviously it didn't bother me. You just need to enjoy the exciting night life of Eagle Mountain :)