Friday, May 30, 2008

Fine I'll go ahead and do it!

So here I am with my own blog. I do not own a cell phone and am happy about it. I tend to be an old fashion type of guy and new technology does not excite me. All the gadgets that people get excited about do nothing for me. (Unless it is a power tool) Now for me to have a blog that is something else. Well see if there is anything interesting enough about my life to make people want to actually read it.

I have lots of people in my life that I have not kept in touch with. Many of them are very important to me but with work, kids, projects around the house and life in general I have not kept in touch with them. Maybe this blog could help fix that.

In my life I have had a great many experiences and opportunities that have made me who I am. I entitled the blog based on this. Many years ago my oldest brother Frank and I were talking about some opportunity I had facing me and he said something to the effect of "The opportunity of a life time comes along about once a month." I have found that to be true. I have seen opportunities come and go many times and I am none the worse for wear. Hope to see many of my friends and acquaintances on here from time to time. You never know it could be the opportunity of a life time.


Janet said...

Better learn how to use spell check my friend! I won't tell the customers that call in that you aren't a technical kind of guy. You will get all ones on your surveys! Since you already get all 5's you must be some what technical.

amersrae said...

Congrats James! Hi Lisa! It will be fun to hear how you and your family are doing. We have been bracing for the heat down here, but it has only hit 100 three times so far. While we cannot escape the inevitable, any delays are good. Do you ever go camping in the Dixie forest? We are planning some trips up there this summer. If you are interested in joining us, let me know.


Leslie :~D said...

I'm glad you're blogging James! We don't hear much about you and your family, so it will be good to read about them from time to time! Say hi to everyone!


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Just give in and let the addiction take over!