Monday, September 13, 2010

This one is a Rant!

I received an email from Orin Hatch, The Senior Senator from Utah. I sent the following letter to him. I would suggest you do the same.

I just received the following in an email.

"I think there might be three things that almost everyone can agree upon; first, most everyone dislikes paying taxes; second, most everyone thinks the tax system is too complex and unfair; and finally, most everyone agrees that when it comes to taxes, Washington needs an attitude adjustment.

"What many do not realize and liberals refuse to acknowledge is that fully half of the income that would be taxed at higher rates under the president's plan is income earned by small- and medium-sized businesses that report their taxes on individual tax returns."

That is just a piece of what was in the email but it is enough to show my point. Does it not occur to you that YOU ARE WASHINGTON! You have a senior position on the Finance committee. When George Bush was president and with a republican majority in both the house and the senate none of these things you are now talking about got fixed. John McCain talked about immigration in his last campaign but what did he do about it when you guys had a majority. He screwed America right along with all of you republicans. He was a calling for amnesty! It does not matter who is in power the American people are getting raped everyday. You say you are fighting for us but with a majority you did not cut government spending you grew it. You did not create meaningful reduction in taxes to the middle class. I would like some real answers not just rederick about why things are still out of control after both parties have had a chance at control of the government. I will be voting the incumbent out regardless of party in the next few elections unless I hear an apology for being a liar and a thief to the American people. On your watch we are spending our children's money. Without a complete and total break down and disolvement of our Government I do not see a way out. Like a large number of irresponsible Americans bankruptcy is the only way out. The numbers are there to prove it and you do not walk in ignorance. You are not the solution to the problem and you have been the problem for many many years. Senator Bob Bennett was run out of office on a rail and I think you are on your way there as well. Come clean and repent of what you have done to this country. Show us that you can take the blame and that you are willing to make great sacrifices in order to fix what seems by all accounts to be an unfixable problem.

Show us that you can turn off the spicket to everyone, including Utah and then I may consider sending you back. If not, I guarantee you that you are as good as out at the next election.

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