Kenneth got his Cycling merit badge. He is so close to Eagle I think he is sprouting some feathers behind his ears. You can see how many merit badges he already has. I think he has one or two more required merit badges and and his eagle project and he will have the Rank. He has gotten way more then I ever did.

Adam has caught on fire and has been bugging his scout master to give him merit badge counselors for all the badges he is interested in. He received 11 merit badges at this last court of honor. He also got his Advancement to Star. That means that by this time next year he will also be an Eagle along with Kenneth.

Daniel is new to scouts. He received 3 rank advancements, Tenderfoot, Second class and First Class. He also received his first aid merit badge as well. If he sticks with it by April 2010 he will be an Eagle Scout.

I am very proud of my boys. They are achievers and polite and respectful to others. They are by no means perfect but they are good boys who give me no cause for grief or sorrow. I did things that caused my parents grief and I feel bad for that. I still remember the cops calling my dad to come and pick me up one night. (That is a story for another time) It is nice to see that my boys are turning out better then me.
Way to go Stock boys! Scouting is such a great program and it is an honor to be an eagle scout. Keep up the good work. It will be worth it.
Glad you see those boys are staying on top of their scout master! Keep it up - you'll have em trained yet!
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