Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wow an actual post!

If there is anyone out there who still hits this site from time to time I am back ... well I hope so anyway. My aunt sent me an email and told me she misses my blog so since I have a fan club, I decided I would start up again. , To bring you up to date, I have been studying to become a software engineer. It is consuming my time and the time I don't spend at that has been used up with projects around the house and a few family trips. The blog has had to sit on the back burner and will continue to play second fiddle but I am going to try to keep it up a little better.

Krislyn just started kindergarten and so Lisa has expressed an interest in posting stuff from time to time on a blog. I told her she could use mine. That means that if you see a post that is in good taste and non offensive in any way she posted it. If it is mumbled jargon and rants of all different kinds it is probably from me.

Stay tuned for some posts of what we did this summer. It was a fun summer for my family and I.


Eggy said...

YEA!!! I am expecting big things now!

Bethany said...

Welcome back!

Mandy said...

Oh good! I'm glad you're back!