Monday, February 22, 2010

Random Ketchup

Due to the last few comments on my last post I figure that I should put up another post. Kind of random and loosely joined but here goes. I turned 39 years old on Feb 9th. It was nothing different but made me reflect. People say that 40 is the hump but that is based on the assumption that you will live to 80. Since I am only planning on 70 I crossed the hump 4 years ago. Nothing to worry about it now.

I am the assistant coach on Troy's basketball team and having fun with him on that. Had an incident with some crazy parents this weekend. Some parents are just way to out of control. I was embarrassed for them and their coach. Poor kid has to accept the fact that his parents can't behave. Lisa pointed out a fact to me. She said "no wonder these kids have such horrible behavior, look at the way their parents act." Seriously folks lets all take a look at our behaviors. If your kid is doing something stupid there is a good chance you need to do a re-evaluation of your example.

I recently to a trip to Arizona and found it to be very nice down there. I am past ready for the snow to be gone. Lisa and I left the kids for 4 days and they didn't so much as set off the smoke alarm. The only thing that got broken was the mixer and Kenneth had it replaced before we even got home. I am impressed with them. Lisa and I had a lot of fun visiting our families that live there. I am thinking we need to take these kinds of trips more often.

Ps. Yes, I spelled it ketchup and not catch up. Just thought I would drive the spelling Nazis nuts.


Kim said...

I think correct spelling is overrated...

P.S. I just misspelled overrated. (thank goodness for spell check) I think it's in our blood. My dad can't spell either.

Eggy said...

I, however, love correct spellings! The Stock 'bad spelling' gene is real, but it has skipped over Cory. He is an excellent speller.

Jen B said...

Talk radio quote for today...

"It doesn't take a village people... it only takes a parent... a parent who will beat the crap out of a kid when it's called for!"

I laughed for the next quarter mile! It's nice to have good kids! come visit us next time!!!