Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow, how do you like them Apples?

Apple released the Ipad and I am impressed. I am by no means a techno junky, I rely on Jason Barker and Jimmy Anderson to keep me up to date on the techno geek world. However I am impressed. This little gadget brings all the gadgets into one. The way I see it, is that all of your devices are now wraped together in this thing. Look out gadget companies this one is going to be hard to beat, especially at $500! I think I will wait for version 2 but this one is on my list. Lisa and I are betting Jason will own one by the end of February.

click here for more info.


JBarker said...

Ha ha! You know, I'm going to spill the beans... I'm thinking about getting one so that I can develop my current iPhone app for it ( There's quite a bit more I could do with my app if I had more screen to work with and with the iPad, I have a lot more space. Last night, I downloaded the SDK and started playing around with it.

One thing about the availability of the iPad is that Apple isn't selling them until the end of March and then, if you want to use it over a 3G network (i.e. anywhere you get a phone signal), you'll have to wait until April. So I'm not going to have one in my hot little hands until at least then. Plus, I have to ask the boss lady and she's not so easily persuaded with these kinds of things. We'll see.

But it's a pretty cool device! Last night, my head was swimming with ideas of apps that could be developed on it. So many ideas. So little time...

Jason and Kate said...

They don't come out until March! I want one too.