Friday, December 25, 2009

Bear Hunting

Last year for Christmas Adam and Daniel got .22 rifles and have been learning how to shoot all this year. For Christmas today they both got a scope to go on their guns. I took them out and we sited in the scope. Daniel's gun is dead on and Adam's is close, we just need a little more time and it will be dead on as well. Once we were sited in on Daniel's gun he scanned the horizon and about 150 yards out he caught site of a black bear! being the daring boy that he is he carefully took aim and squeezed the trigger. To both his and my surprise the bear fell down. The bullet had gone through the right side of his chest and exited on his left shoulder. When Daniel landed his 22 inch trout I had no camera to prove he caught it but this time I happened to have the camera and took a picture for all of you to see. I don't know of any other kids who are able to claim they took down a black bear from 150 yard with a .22 rifle. Of course since he killed it I made him haul it out.


Leslie :~D said...

Too funny! Got a good laugh about it!

Eggy said...

That's pretty funny, James.

Jen B said...

Nice one! If only! - Do we get to see you this next week? Hope so!

Melissa said...

Nice James. I have to admit that I laughed ... a little.

The Happy One said...

I love it! Everyone needs a Dad to be so proud of the killing of a black bear. James you are so much like your dad. Your kids are mighty lucky to be yours!

Debbie Jo