Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Redneck Friends!

People call me a red neck and they are right I have lots of redneck tendencies that Lisa, try as she may, has not been able to get worked out of me. It is my redneck friends that make me who I am. They are very dear to me and their ways and habits are just a little to persuasive to my natural down home tendencies. Take my friends here, Dave and Melisa Leatherwood.

They are the salt of the earth and some of the best people on the planet. I enjoy spending time with them as much as I do any family member. Heck some relatives I would love to replace them with. Although Dave has a mullet and rotten teeth and Melisa wears a hat everywhere she goes they are great company and I look forward to spending time with them.

They love bowling, 4 wheeling and all kinds of Redneck activities. Who cares that they have a shovel like this for camping? If you ever have an opportunity to meet David and Melisa Leatherwood just be sure to look past their redneckedness and see them for what they are on the inside, just downright good folk that make the world a better place to live.


Big Daddy said...

Did I mention that Lisa and I used a Horse trailer to move once?

Eggy said...

Ha! You don't have us beat. We used a horse trailer to move also.
I call simple downright honest good hardworking folks 'REAL PEOPLE.' Not sure when I coined this phrase, but there seem to be a lot of 'Real People' in Bloomfield.

Melissa said...

I can't believe I'm being called a redneck by someone who used a horse trailer to move, bought his kids guns for Christmas instead of something FUN, gets kicked out of the Conference Center because of a pocketknife, wears tube socks with shorts, has had an actual mullet, has worn a tank top and overalls (probably at the same time) as a grown man, and knows every Jeff Foxworthy joke ever written. UNBELIEVABLE! Lisa is totally right - I am going to kill you.

And by the way, we love you guys too.

JBarker said...

I'm glad I live on the other side of the tracks!