Thursday, July 23, 2009

Know any German swear words?

For those of you who are not mechanics you may not get this one. It is kind of like fishing, you either get it or you don't, not much middle ground. So, while Lisa is gone I have a number of projects and one of them is the Volkswagen. On Monday I spent the whole evening, 4 hours, trying to get the shaft on the transmission to go into the clutch plate on the engine. It would not go. Now with most cars mechanics know that if you swear at them they obey. It is a matter of respect between you and the car. If the car does not bloody the mechanics knuckles the mechanic never has respect for the car. It occurred to me on Monday that I did not know any German swear words and that is why the little piece of *^&@#* would not work for me. The oil cap says "OEL" on it not "OIL" so it occurred to me that I was swearing at it but it did not understand and therefore did not reciprocate with respecting me. I finally got the engine bolted in last night and in the process I bloodied my knuckle, so I now have respect for the car. However the car needs some respect for me so If you know any good German swear words It would be great to have a few just in case. It is going to be Kenneth's car so he will needs to know them as well. A good "@#$(#" or "%$&(*#@" would be nice to have on hand, like tucked under the visor for those special occasions when you need to demand the cars respect.


amersrae said...

Call my mom, she can help you out! :) She knows at least one German swear word!

JBarker said...

James, I'm glad to hear you're making some progress with the bug. If anyone can, it would be you.

Regarding your desire to learn some German, my first thought was of something I heard President Monson say that anyone could learn a new language by trying to read the scriptures in that language. However, in light of the nature of what you're wanting to communicate colorfully, I'd suggest searching for "german swear words" on Google. You'll find references to web sites with lists of swear words as well as sound bites so you get the pronunciation correct.

Just be sure to keep your new German to yourself... and the car. I wouldn't want my kids learning your German during a home teaching visit!

Good luck with your German!

Melissa said...

Ha ha! That's pretty funny, and Jason's comment is even funnier. I think he got ya on that one!

Jen B said...