Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home alone

As many people know Lisa leaves me for 3 weeks each year just to make sure I appreciate her. Lisa, it's working. I have been 10 days alone now and I do not recommend it to anyone. The first day or so the peace and quiet is nice but that gets old real fast. I have lots of honey do's to get done so that helps keep my mind off of the great big silent void at the house. The good news is that I only have 9 more days till the family comes home! It is amazing how tied we can become to each other. When I served my mission I went and did not look back. I loved my family but I was ready to go. I would see elders who were homesick and wonder what the heck is up with them. I am home but still very homesick. Until I was abandoned I did not understand homesickness, but now I truly get it.


Melissa said...

I wondered if you were getting lonely yet. :( Better get all your jobs done ... she's almost home. Oh wait, you have at least seven more days before even starting on the jobs ... right? Ha ha!

K'neth S. said...

Don't worry, we all miss you up here. Mom really misses you every year too.

Sweet Lisa said...

Hi love! I thought I'd comment on this one. I sure love and miss you too. Absense does make the heart grow fonder. How's the honey do list coming? See you on the 30th