Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You can take the boy out of the Farm but you can't take the farm out of the boy

Last night I went and got some raspberry plants from a friend of mine. I am going to plant them tonight in my garden and hopefully I can load them up with fruit. We will see what happens. The garden as a whole is just about done. I still need to plant things like the tomatoes and the carrots but I have to say it is almost to the point of turning on the watering timer and letting it run.

I love to work in the garden. To make things grow is a fascination to me. If Lisa would live on a farm I would be a farmer without a moments hesitation. Oh well I guess I can feed my obsession with growing things in the garden and have Lisa all at the same time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Candy Bar Game

For many years Lisa and I have loved throwing parties and an all-time favorite is the candy bar game. I have been asked for the rules so here they are as I know them:

Items needed:
1. Each person gets a paper bag.
2. There needs to be a candy bar for each person. If you are a cheapskate like me you make everyone bring their own. If not you can provide them.
3. You will need a pair of dice.

Rules of Play:

Set up
The candy bars are put in the middle of the table and each person is given a paper bag. If you are not well acquainted you can write your names on the bottom of your paper bag for everyone to see. If you have people who do not know each other start by going around the room and introducing yourselves.

The time of play is established before starting the game. I find that 20 minutes is usually a pretty good amount of time to play. The tallest person rolls the dice first and play passes to the left. If a person rolls a one or a five they get to choose one of the candy bars from the center of the table. If they roll a one and a five or two ones or two fives they get to choose 2 candy bars. If they roll doubles of any number they get to go again. If no ones or fives appear then play passes to the left. Once all of the candy bars are removed from the center of the table, you begin the stealing portion of the game. When you roll a one or five you ask one of the players if they have the candy bar you want. For Example: "Lisa do you have the Twix?" If she does she has to surrender it. Until all of the candy bars are taken from the center of the table you can not ask someone for a candy bar in their paper bag. There is a variation that you can play with people who are unacquainted. You can make it a rule that you have to ask the person by name for the candy bar and if you can not get their name right you do not get to ask for the candy bar! When the time runs out the person with the most candy bars wins.

With large groups you can either use 2 sets of dice and extend the time or play at 2 different tables.

Another part of the game that Lisa and I added at our last party was to eat the candy bar when you are done. If you have couples or people who do not mind getting real close, you pair up and together you have to eat your favorite candy bar. The trick is you have to do it with your hands behind your back. You can only use your mouth to open and devour the candy bar. Oh, and no fair letting just one person eat all of the candy bar! It takes two.

There you have it. The greatest party game we have ever had.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What ever did we do in the good old days

Since nobody posted anything about mighty mouse I guess I better make a new post.

As you may have noticed Lisa and I have been even less active in the cyber world then before. About 2 weeks ago I got a virus on the Home PC. Nasty little bugger. It kept telling me I have a virus on my system and that for a fee it will remove it for me. Ain't that lovely! I tried everything I could to get rid of it. It was called the security system virus I think. In the end none of the searches on the Internet or questions to all my computer literate friends gave me a solution to fix it. In the end I had to wipe out my hard drive and reload my windows system. I am now of the opinion that if you are found releasing a virus on the Internet the penalty should be death. Death to you as well as anyone else assisting you. And not just any death, but death by the most excruciating manner possible. Is that a little harsh? That is what should be done to all the guys that have a clean record as well as a wife and kids.

Can anyone sense my distaste for these guys? Anyway, everything but the Internet is back up. I canceled blue zone, my provider, because they suck. I called to talk to them and tell them there service was bad and what I needed to do to cancel. I told them I wanted to cancel but I would need to call them back and give them the correct date. They went ahead and canceled me anyway so now I only have access to Internet at work. This is so frustrating. We use the Internet a lot and without it I am surprised how much we relied on it. We were just saying the other day, whatever did we do before the Internet. One of these days I will replace my cell phone and say the same thing about that blasted thing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Almost is the same as not quite

My Dad used to have a saying of "Almost is the same as not quite. I had a little taste of that yesterday morning. It was April fools day yesterday so I did not post as I am sure there would have been lots of people thinking it was an April fools trick.

If you will remember my post last October, in compatition lifting you do a deadlift, squat and benchpress and then add your totals. Yesterday morining I tested myself to see if I could lift 1,000 pounds in those three lifts. I had an almost but not quite moment. I did a 350 pound squat, a 255 pound bench press and a 370 pound dead lift. I had hoped I could do a 390 pound deadlift and a 265 pound benchpress but nothing doing. It was a disapointment but hey at 38 years old 975 pounds aint to bad. It was also a nice improvement from last time.