Friday, March 6, 2009

I suppose my last comment was a little deep so how about some lighter subject matter. Lets talk about Daniel. Krislyn loves all her brothers and they love her, however, the boys take a great deal of delight in teasing her. Normally she has fun with it and they all have a good time but they are learning that she can get to the point where she has had enough.

Lisa told me that the other day Daniel was teasing Krislyn and she had finally had enough so she cocked back her fist and let him have it! She planted the perfect shot right on his nose and it started bleeding. So the lesson learned, don't get Krislyn riled up cause you just might end up getting hurt. I suppose Daniel will never live that one down. Krislyn will be 25 years old at some family reunion and Daniel will be getting mouthy with her and someone is going to say "You better watch it or she is going to give you a bloody nose again."


Cassie said...

Jackson came home the other day and told me that story. He was quite impressed with Krislyn...but felt bad for Daniel cause everyone was teasing him about it. It might make Daniel feel better knowing that Ashlynn could probably take down any of her brothers if she wanted to too! In fact I can recall quite a few times when Jackson or Breven have come to me in tears because of some revenge Ashlynn has taken on them. She doesn't usually start the fight...but she can sure end it. The moral of the story is even small things pack a big punch...never underestimate your sister!!

JBarker said...

I remember a while back that Johnny got a kiss out of Krislyn. I thought, "Wow! John, you've got to slow down." However, with this now brought to light, he probably did it out of self-preservation. I wonder if he was just following the old adage, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer," as well as, "the best defense is a good offense."