Monday, February 2, 2009

Yet another use for bailing wire.

Just about every night I am home I give Krislyn her bath. After her bath I comb out her hair and often times I put her hair in braids. I tried the french braid but I am not that good with my fingers. Her Grandma Greta, Lisa's mom, calls her Pippy as in Pippy long stockings. So I got a piece of bailing wire and bent it around her head and braided her hair around the ends. I did of course have to take the wire out before she went to bed. She loved it and I just had to share.


Cassie said...

What a good dad...braiding hair! Wow! I'm impressed!

Unknown said...

How cute! I love those Pippi stories. Not too many years ago, I dressed up as Pippi for Halloween. I braided my hair with wire, and borrowed your Dad's farming overalls for my outfit. (Oh, I guess it was a lot of years ago because I remember that Kim was very young - only 1 or 2. And when she was about 3, I cut my long hair off.)

Cindy said...

Wow, All I see is a mini Lisa from my childhood years. What a cutie!

Leslie :~D said...

You can still get the old Pippi movies (the ones we used to watch as kids) on dvd at They're not too expensive and my kids LOVE them!

Heidi said...

Too cute! She is a little Lisa. I love that my husband helps at bath time too. It is so nice and he's more efficient at it than I am too! Lisa is lucky to have you!

Jen B said...

You are so inventive! Not to mention a push over for that little doll! Let us know when you get nominated for the "Utah dad of the year!"