Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have not blogged in a while. Mostly because of time but also my thoughts have not been on keeping everyone up to date on my random thoughts and crazy ideas. Here is a little random thought I was thinking of this morning.

I have come to love the smoothie. All I do is throw a yogurt in with some milk, ice and whatever else to flavor it and walla! I find that if I put in a little lemonade it gives it a hint of tartness. Summers are even better because all of the fruit is in season and good and tasty. I tried a little ice cream in one and that was heavenly. The problem is that It makes the sugar content a little high.


Jen B said...

Love these!
Banana. yogurt. ice... juice or water... no milk! I agree on keeping the sugar low - get enough of that other places!... on occasion I add some honey! THink I'll go have one now!

Melissa said...

We like those around here too ... especially for breakfast. We make them with bananas and the frozen strawberries or berry mix from Costco. So good.

Shaela Winsor said...


You are truely taking after Forrest. This is Jared in AZ, I would like to see some results from your smoothie. Please email me back.
