Friday, January 30, 2009

I hate to paint!

I hate painting the house and In the last month I have had to get out the painting supplies twice! First Lisa decided that she wanted to paint the upstairs. We went down to Home Depot and bought 5 gallons of "Brown Tepee." Brown is brown to me but hey what do I know I am just the dumb guy in the relationship. So we spent 3 days painting. Lisa did more painting then me but she also did more bossing around so I guess that makes it fair. We love the new look and are pickled tink about it.

Just when I thought all the paining was done Adam's Bedroom flooded. We pulled up the carpet to let everything dry out and when it was all pulled up Lisa decided it was time to paint Adams room. This time I did more painting then Lisa but she still did more bossing around. Go figure. Any way, it looks good and I am glad to have it over with.

Mouse Killer

A number of years ago we had some of Lisa's homemade bread on the counter and we found that some little creature had nibbled into it and ate some of it. We assumed a mouse so we put out a mouse trap and sure enough, we had a mouse the next morning. Yes I use real spring loaded mouse traps that kill them instantly and they do not stick to it and slowly painfully die in fear and suffering. I digress...

So a few days ago Adam told me that he indeed had been the one to pick into the bread. He said that he did not fess up and when we got the mouse he figured it was done and now he was off Scott free! Yes family, friends and neighbors, my little Adam let the mouse take the rap for his evil deed. does anyone have a copy of Les Misérables? Perhaps Jean Valjean could shed a little guilt upon this wayward young man.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hair is such a pain

When I was a young red neck I wanted a mullet. I thought that was so cool. I have since decided that a mullet is like bell bottoms. It probably is not going to come back into style, at least not any time soon. However as I get older I seem to loose more hair off the front. I wish it would just all fall out and I could be fully bald. Since I am in between full bald and full hair it is tough to find a good dew. If I grow it out it looks like I am trying to do a comb-over to hide the baldness. The next best thing to that for me would be a nice buzz with the smallest blade on the hair clippers. Lisa is not down for that so I end up with hair that for me is to short to style but to long to be a buzz. I know I look good no matter what but I've been thinking I want a new look with the hair. Any body have any Ideas for me?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bad form

It has been a while since I posted, it is always busy during an update.

I have some things that really get me going and lucky for those of you who read my blog, they are to long to list hear. One of them is the whole political correctness of every one wins and gets a trophy idea. If nobody looses and everyone wins then the world would stop crushing people and that is not the way it really is. If you are not the best, you should loose. It makes you try harder the next time. I am of the opinion that sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is to loose. However that is not where I want to go with this post.

I was recently at a ward social where we had a chili contest. The everyone wins was invoked and everyone got an award. That bugs me but hey that is the way it is. What made me mad was that one of the awards was "Best use of a can opener." Either go for a top 3 and really give a true award or do the everyone wins bit. I really thought it tasteless to give someone an award like that. I have no problem with not getting an award but an insult is a whole other issue. If someone is going to donate a big pot of chili for people to eat, give them some respect. I think Thumper's fathers advice holds true, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Eve party, well kind of.

So the boys, Kenneth and Adam, went to a ward new years eve party with the other youth in the ward. This made it so that all the baby sitters were not available on New Years Eve. We wanted to have a party but decided that if there were no baby sitters we had better do it another day, so we did it on Friday the second. Although we would have loved to have invited more we had a house full of fun with almost 20 people. (I am surprised they all fit.) We played a game with candy bars that I just had to share the pictures from. The game was that you and your spouse had to open a candy bar and eat it without using your hands. They had to be behind your back. The pictures are great but it was a riot to watch.

For those who may not know them,

In order you have Me and Lisa, David and Melisa Leatherwood, Jimmy and Mary Anderson, Joe and Andrea Porter, Shad and Brittney Gifford, Kelly and Janet Leth,(Barkers in the back ground) John and Jessica Gifford and Jason and Bethany Barker. My question is did the Barkers even have a candy bar?

Tubing pictures

Just thought I would put up a few pictures of our sledding outing that I posted a few days ago. I know someone has a picture of me and Lisa on an inertube but I am not sure who it is.

Picture #1 This one is my Troy on the left and my nephew James.

Picture #2 This is me and my other three boys as well as my niece Rebbeca forming a chain.

Picture #3 Daniel followed me around most of the day.

Picture # 4 This is the one ride Krislyn went on with the tube.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Is gone.

Yes you officially know the Grinch. On Christmas morning I had everything but the lights on the house taken down and put in a box. While I was taking down the tree and putting it in it's box Krislyn walks in, takes a look around and said, "But it is still Christmas!" The way I see it is like this. While the kids are all checking out their new gifts I can take the time to put things away and then have the rest of the vacation to do things with Lisa and the kids. Besides, in my opinion if you have Christmas lights on your house past January 1st your a red neck. If you have them past the 15th you are trailer trash.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Arizonans in the snow.

On new years day I took the family and went sledding. It was a lot of fun and for a bunch of people who are from Arizona it is a new and exciting thing. Everyone but Krislyn loved it. She just happened to be in one of those moods where she was not going to enjoy or try anything. She finally tried it and was loving it but when we got close to the bottom of the hill she figured it was going to fast and started to cry.

Lisa was our only accident. There was this storm drain at the bottom of the hill about 18 inches by 18 inches. We had the whole hill in front of her. I talked her into going down the hill as she was a bit nervous. I pointed her sled and gave her a push. Of course it veered off course and BAM she hit the pot hole and hurt her butt. She was hobbling aroundfor a day or two in pain. I felt bad and it put a damper on the rest of the day. Maybe she is bad luck I mean after all she did go camping with me in June last year and it snowed on us. Oh well, I will keep her around anyway.

The day was a lot of fun. I only had sleds but my sister and her family were there as well as my brother Dennis and they had tubes. I way prefer tubes over sleds. It is a lot softer ride down the mountain. I do not like the tubes when you have jumps and bumps though as they have no control whatsoever. All in all I will have to go do the sledding thing again.