Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The greatest game ever played!

I love the game of football. In my book there is no better game. It is a game of Power, skill and all around athletic performance. I played football all the way into college and then I broke my knee, went on a mission and got married. That was the end of my football career. However I have always had a longing for the game and at one time wanted to be a school teacher just so I could coach football.

This year Daniel wanted to play football really bad. He normally never asks for anything and is very conscious of what things cost. The fee for playing was $150.00. As I said, normally Daniel would never ask for such a thing but this was different. He reminded me everyday and would not let it drop. I told him that football is a rough sport and he is not the bigest kid in his school, he is actualy one of the smaller kids. After a few weeks I realized this was seriouse and went to enroll him. The only issue I had was that I know little league and find it to be a place where the coach and all of his kids friends play and get coached and the rest of them sit on the bench and play the left field type of positions. I was pretty sure Daniel would fall into this catagorie so I signed him up on one condition and that was that I would be the head coach.

I bought a book on coaching and read it cover to cover, as well as talking to a Kelly Willey (One of the guys who's family I home teach) and geared up to be "Coach Stock." I have to say that it was one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done. I put it up there with a really good fishing trip, maybe even better. We never one a game, we did not even score a touch down out side of our scrimage. But what a season.! I took 24 eleven year olds, all but 4 or 5 had played before, and taught them how to play the game. We got put into a game schedule with some seasoned teams that had been playing together for 2 to 4 years and were realy good. The first few games my boys got to where they were afraid to pick up the ball. But thanks to a good assistant coach we turned them into tough well developed players. They got to where they could hit, run, block and tackle with some of the best. I saw some great plays come out of them by the end of the year and was so proud of them by the end of the season.

I never set out to win a game. My purpose after the first slaughtering was to teach each boy who wanted to learn how to play the game and play it good. Daniel did awsome. We ended up using him as a wingback as well as a defensive crawler. That is a position that my defensive coach created. We put two little guys who were quick on all fours on either side of the nose guard. They were to crawl as fast as they could into the backfield and cause havock. It worked wonders and nobody was able to run a play up the middle. We also recovered any bad snaps instantly. Some of the teams got the point where they were using the shotgun position to try and avoid these guys. Daniel caught some good passes and ran some good plays. He truly became a good player and will be awsome next year. I am glad that he got the opportunity. I am glad that I got the opportunity to coach.

Adam also played. I was not able to be his coach and he had one of "those coaches" I was talking about. He was not interested in teaching football just interested in winning games. He never really developed his boys into more then they already were. And guess what, they didn't win any games either. Despite that Adam did well and had a good time. He is a huge boy and when he tackeled it was like watching a bear tackle someone. He just obsorbed them and crushed them to the ground. It was really fun to watch. In the games he was not fast enough to run down many ball carriers but in practice durring the drills nobody got past him or even moved him. I think with a little work this summer he might be ready to take on a few running backs in the open field.

I do not have any pictures of Adam as yet but Daniel is one of the kids on all fours in two of the pictures and I am in a couple of them as well.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I hated tag in school and not much has changed.

So I need to do some explaining on this one. I got tagged by some friends of mine in Arizona. The rules of this tag are that you have to go to your my pictures folder and get the 6th picture in the 6th folder. The problem is that I have no folders in "my pictures" only pictures. So I counted pictures And found this one. I debated on what to do. I could add a more flattering picture or just say sorry I do not have 6 folders but in the end I decided to just play along.

The picture was taken the summer of 2007 when I was 280+ pounds. Since I am now 238 pounds you can see my hesitation. Oh well here you go.

Lets see, how about I send the same tag to Justin Dow, Melissa Leatherwood, Kenny Balser and Kenneth Stock.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What am I to do with this little girl.

I came to realize that I am going to get my clock cleaned. No it is not from some 6'8" prize fighter it is from a 3 foot tall little girl with blond hair in pigtails. Yes folks James Stock has met his match. I just have a very hard time trying to hold my ground. I do not know what it was with all my boys but I was able to hold my own and keep their puppy dog eyes in check. With this one I am whipped. She just has to say "please daddy" and it is like taking a punch in jaw, it's libel to knock me out! The other day she got Ice cream out of me. We had gone to a movie with the kids and she said "Daddy I had a dream that you bought me an ice cream cone and I gave you a kiss." We all were licking ice cream cones inside of 10 minutes. The worse part is that she has discovered shopping, at 4 years old, and between her and Lisa I fear for my safety. If anybody can refer a good trainer I could use some training. A good defensive coach would come in handy right about now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What my kids do when we go on a date

The software from 3M that I support is updated every October and things get crazy. So all of my followers have not heard from me, sorry. Thought this might make up for my absence.

So a couple weeks ago we got home I discovered that while we were gone the kids thought they would make a video. I think they are creative and funny. Now I know what they do when we are gone. What do your kids do? (Or have you learned it is better not to leave!)