Since nobody posted anything about mighty mouse I guess I better make a new post.
As you may have noticed Lisa and I have been even less active in the
cyber world then before. About 2 weeks ago I got a virus on the Home PC. Nasty little bugger. It kept telling me I have a virus on my system and that for a fee it will remove it for me.
Ain't that lovely! I tried everything I could to get rid of it. It was called the security system virus I think. In the end none of the searches on the
Internet or questions to all my computer literate friends gave me a solution to fix it. In the end I had to wipe out my hard drive and reload my windows system. I am now of the opinion that if you are found releasing a virus on the
Internet the penalty should be death. Death to you as well as anyone else assisting you. And not just any death, but death by the most
excruciating manner possible. Is that a little harsh? That is what should be done to all the guys that have a clean record as well as a wife and kids.
Can anyone
sense my distaste for these guys? Anyway, everything but the
Internet is back up. I canceled blue zone, my provider, because they suck. I called to talk to them and tell them there service was bad and what I needed to do to cancel. I told them I wanted to cancel but I would need to call them back and give them the correct date. They went ahead and canceled me anyway so now I only have access to
Internet at work. This is so frustrating. We use the
Internet a lot and without it I am
surprised how much we relied on it. We were just saying the other day, whatever did we do before the
Internet. One of these days I will replace my cell phone and say the same thing about that blasted thing.