Over the 4th of July I had the coolest vacation. I went backpacking into a place called Brown Duck Basin. Any one who knows me knows that I love to go fishing and this was probably the greatest fishing trip I have been on in a long time if not ever. I fished 4 lakes and 3 rivers and caught 60 fish! They ranged from as small as 4 inches to as much as 18 inches. I was in heaven! There was nothing like it. The only draw back was that I was all alone and I don’t have anyone to sit around and swap stories with when I am to old to do this sort of thing one day.

This fish was so fat I could hardly get my hand around it to pull the hook out. The other one I was pulling in and my glasses fell off from the fight. It was awesome!
I set out on the trail head on Thursday July 3rd at 5:45pm. It was a 7.5 mile hike to the first lake and I thought I could do that by dark pretty easy, boy was I wrong. It was a 2000 foot climb total but it kept going up and then down. I swear when it was all said and done I climbed 3000 feet. There was a diversion in the trail and when I got there I realized that it was to dark to follow it very well so I stopped where I was and made camp. I woke up the next morning and broke camp only to find that I was 100 yards from the lake.
That had to be one the most physically challenging things I have ever done. When I laid down to sleep every muscle in my body was shaking. Not knowing I was at the top I said to myself "What the heck have you got yourself into?" I was sure I was going to die. Keep in mind I have been working out every day since January 3 of this year. I can run 3 miles without any problem.
When I got to brown duck lake I knew the hike was worth every step. Within an hour I had caught 10 fish. I decided that I wanted to see as many of the lakes and rivers as I could so I moved on and set up camp between the next two lakes. It was the most beautiful meadow you can imagine. I fished and fished and never had a dull moment. I fly fished the streams, used all kinds of bait and just lived for two days in fisherman heaven.

The area was loaded with beauty and I thanked God for all the beauty he had built into this world for us. There were all kinds of streams ponds and wildlife. I even had lunch with a chipmunk. I had laid down to take a nap and pulled my hat down over my eyes. Just as I was about to go to sleep I saw a patch of fur next to me. I jumped up not knowing what kind of animal was about to eat me. turns out it was a chipmunk. We sat and ate lunch together.

In fishing there is something we call a grand slam. It is when you catch 4 kinds of trout, rainbow, german brown, cut throat and brook. I caught all 4 and scored my grand slam. To the novice that is like hitting a home run in baseball that goes down in the history books.

In the end it was the time of my life and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a great experience in the great outdoors.

PS: I really was smiling on the inside.