So I came home this week from work and Lisa told me that Krislyn, who is currently 3, had something to tell me. She was all excited. One of our friends kids was over, he is 4 and his parents had gone to a funeral and Lisa was watching him for them. Well, evidently he had got himself alone with her and wrapped her in a big hug and planted one right on her lips. At first she was supprised and shocked but then I guess it hit her what it was and she began to grin ear to ear. Yes my 3 year old was kissed by the neighborhood bad boy. (Well he is actually a sweet little boy but I'm sure you see my angle.) When she told me I said "Did you slap him?" She got a puzzled look on her face and just kind of stared at me. I then said "Next time a boy kisses you just give him a good slap on the cheek. Well her little eyes filled up with tears and she began to cry. She said "But Dad he is my friend." She then ran into her room and would not be comforted for a good 15 minutes.
Dad is insensitive. I admit it but what is a guy to do. Some boy comes along and kisses your little girl? I gave her hugs and told her I was only teasing about it (Yes I lie to my daughter too.) I told his mother that I would be forced to introduce him to my shotgun if he tries anything else. Oh the joys of being a father. After 4 boys I have come to realize that girls are indeed from a different planet then boys.