Friday, February 27, 2009

Political rant.

Time for a rant. If you do not feel like a serious subject now would be the time to close out and go to another more light hearted blogs. To the left you will find some nice selections.

I am beginning to loathe all politicians, actually I think I am already there. They seem to me to be universally corrupt and will sell their own mother out just to get re-elected. They say they are conservative or liberal but that is only because they want to cater to which ever majority they think will get them the election. In the end they seem to all sell out their constituents. It does not matter if it is on a national or local level. Here are a few examples:

Orin Hatch - Conservative?: Says he did not vote for the stimulus bill because it did not truly stimulate the economy and was a big fat pork filled bill. He was correct in that. However, conservatives believe that government should not be involved in business. They believe in a laissez fair policy regarding the government. Go read the definition I linked to the word and tell me if hundreds billions of bailout money is laissez fair policy. He said we needed a stimulus bill. Had the bill had the things he wanted he would have voted for it and charged us for it. Any bill that puts government in charge of managing the economy is a liberal move. Thanks for looking out for us, Not!

Governor Huntsman - Conservative?: Supports the stimulus package and seems to go right along with whatever Obama has to say. On his website he talks about how Utah needs to get involved in health care. he says "The large number of those without health insurance nationally and in our own State highlights a dilemma in defining the proper role of government and a critical challenge to the exercise of individual responsibility." Individual responsability yes, government intervention no! The government gets involved and going to the doctor will be like going to the DMV. If he is conservative I am Will Smith!

How about our local people in Eagle Mountain? We are a city in it's infancy and there is a proposal for a recreation center on the table in the millions. Our roads are torn up, the parks are ill kept and incomplete and they are looking for a rec center? Who are they looking out for? They are willing to rope me and my neighbors into a 20 or 30 year bond for a facility that will never return a profit.

I am a conservative and feel that government has no business in much of anything. I have two core beliefs that I filter most everything through.

1. It is wrong to take other peoples money they have worked for to further your own ambitions or to give it to someone else who has not earned it.

2. In the end everything boils down to personal responsibility.

When you take money in the form of a tax or state sponsored fee and use it for your own gain or give it to someone else for their gain you are stealing. For somethings like the military, ambulance, roads and police it can be argued that this needs to be done. I agree. However most of what they take our money for is akin to me beating someone up and then giving their money to the next homeless guy on the street.

If you have health problems most of them are because of bad choices. Take me, I am pre-diabetic. I have had a belly and been over weight my whole life because I eat to much. Is it not fair then for me to pay the price for my mistakes? Should I not have to pay the extra in premiums because of my choices? What about the job market? I know a man who decided he wanted to be an attorney when he was a boy and he made all the sacrifices to accomplish that. He know makes a lot of money because he did what it takes. I know another man who paid no attention to his career and lives from pay check to paycheck complaining about how he can not afford health care. (He does this of course while he is smoking a cigarette.) We are a product of our choices and we, for the most part lie in the bed that we make for ourselves. When did it become the role of government to fix my mistakes? Or when did it become their roll to force me to pay for their mistakes?

Now don't get me wrong, there is an exception to every rule. And I am sure most people can point to someone where they do not fit into my descriptions above. I can deal with that, but for every exception you show me I will show you 100 or more that are not exceptions. But the bottom line for me is "...the idler shall not wear the clothes or eat the bread of the laborer." Government tramples on that law every day just so they can get re-elected.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Heaven we call the grill.

Wow! I had the best meal last night. Lisa threw some chicken in the marinaide and when I got home I fired up the tool of the gods and cooked it to perfection. This is an art and when mastered it will make the most picky eater a happy person. As you can see I had it with mashed potatoes, brocholli, and rolls with Lisa's homemade Peach jam! It is no wonder I have to workout every morning with a meal like this.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's Grilling Time!

On my birthday I had some friends over and we grilled meat. Yes I did it again. To see a plate full of meat just makes my heart glad. (It probably makes it cry but hey what can I say.) So I went to fire up my beloved and the regulator was broken! What do you do when you are having a grilling party and the grill is broken? You call your neighbor. I called Shad and we used his grill so the evening was not a failure but I was still bummed. I went to Home Depot and they have changed the way they build grills so the fittings were not the same on the replacement hose. I Jimmy rigged it though and managed to make it work just fine. Tonight we grill!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have not blogged in a while. Mostly because of time but also my thoughts have not been on keeping everyone up to date on my random thoughts and crazy ideas. Here is a little random thought I was thinking of this morning.

I have come to love the smoothie. All I do is throw a yogurt in with some milk, ice and whatever else to flavor it and walla! I find that if I put in a little lemonade it gives it a hint of tartness. Summers are even better because all of the fruit is in season and good and tasty. I tried a little ice cream in one and that was heavenly. The problem is that It makes the sugar content a little high.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yet another use for bailing wire.

Just about every night I am home I give Krislyn her bath. After her bath I comb out her hair and often times I put her hair in braids. I tried the french braid but I am not that good with my fingers. Her Grandma Greta, Lisa's mom, calls her Pippy as in Pippy long stockings. So I got a piece of bailing wire and bent it around her head and braided her hair around the ends. I did of course have to take the wire out before she went to bed. She loved it and I just had to share.